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Good old days with lil' bro and sis' |
If you think my family is rich (each one of us got a bike), you're dead wrong. We have mom to be thanked for these bikes because she'd been nagging my dad to buy 'em for us since all the kids in our neighborhood have one. Mom's nagging was so amazing considering the fact that dad just earned roughly RM900 at that time.
I got that red bike back in 1995. In 1995, every kids rode a bicycle with 'tayar span'. Only cool rich kids rode a BMX. When I first got that bike, it was the greatest feeling in the world. I was so happy with my dad that I feel I could pijak belakang badan my dad all day long. A routine I used to hate because he always asked me to pijak his belakang when I wanna watch the TV.
Getting a bike is one thing. Getting a RED bike is a whole another thing. It changes the whole new dynamic of kid's bicycling world.
You see, back in my time, Power Rangers was like the coolest kid show ever. Every kids loves Tommy, Jason, Kimberly, Zack, Trini and Billy. In my neighborhood, I was the only kid with a red bike. So I gotta be a Jason. We even had our own Kimberly, Billy, Zack and Trini. We didn't have Tommy because there are no kids with white/silver bike.
The funny thing is our Trini was a guy. His name is Reza. Poor fella. His dad yang-tak-pernah-tengok-Power-Rangers bought him a yellow bike one day and we laughed our ass off when he rode that bike for the first time. I swear his bike was like the cutest bike ever.
One day, it was Reza's birthday. His mom invited all kids in our neighborhood to celebrate his birthday. There was even a mini-party in his house. Me and my perasan-Power-Rangers buddies went to that party. After all, how could fellow Rangers missed another Rangers party, right?
So, after Reza blew the birthday cake's candles out, we kinda wanted a piece of his birthday cake. But Reza tak bagi! He said we can't have the cake simply because we're being kinda jerk for calling him Trini. I mean, who would like to be called after a complete contradictory character to yourself? Hahaha.
Obviously, his act caused a scene and he was forced by his mom to give the cake to us. Surely enough, he went to his room and cried.
The story was soon got into my mom's ears and I was getting my ass whooped for being a jerk-off Jason. The next day, Power Rangers in my neighborhood telah dibubarkan. Keamanan kawasan kejiranan kami kembali pulih.
16 nyamuk:
January 7, 2011 at 10:46 AM
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haha. beskal mmg ibarat memiliki superbike semasa kecil. kira tak ckup 'lelaki' la klu xde beskal. wtu kcik aku sebok nak beskal harimau hasil kontrak perjanjian bertadika tanpa ponteng sebulan. dpt beskal tu ibarat dpt sebuah zx-14 ninja. pendapatan bpk aku wtu lbk kurang 1k. dan basikal tu dah menghabiskan suku gaji bapak aku. ya, bila fikir balik aku adalah anak durjana.
January 7, 2011 at 10:50 AM
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hahahaha comel2
January 7, 2011 at 10:52 AM
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dude, this is damn hilarious. hahahaha! how could u be so mean with those power ranger kids? haha. i've got my first bicycle when i was 7. whoaa. so proud of it. haha
January 7, 2011 at 11:09 AM
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Yeah, I got a bike when I was a kid and that bike was super cool because it was one of the LeRun bike.
I got that for my birthday present and I used it till I get into primary school.
Now my sister is using the bike.
January 7, 2011 at 11:18 AM
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nice bro..
aku pn pnah lalui pengalaman mcm ni.
rsnya semua bebudak sezaman dgn kita pn pnah
salu nya aku pegang watak Tommy..kehkehkeh~
mighty morphin power rangers antara yg paling COOL
January 7, 2011 at 11:43 AM
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got 1st bike when i ws 6.kaler biru..
shud be jason la kan,hehe..miss jason @dat time kna kongsi dgn adik dia..so, berebut tiap2 ptg n kna o-som nk dpt turn. tp bestla,even ronda kat halaman umah je (kes mak xharap kuar jln bsr). bdk2 zmn skrg ada lg ke experience mcm tu..ke lepak dlm umah main PS..heh :p
January 7, 2011 at 2:39 PM
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i too was the pijak belakang daughter. but that didnt get me a bike...ur lucky bro!
January 7, 2011 at 2:57 PM
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@ razman
sial, beskal rimau tu...haha..ko dah kerja ni bagi la bapak kau kawasaki nija pulak.
@ erine
cerita ni comel ke basikal aku yg comel? hahaha
@ farah
i know. i should better off be a penjahat power rangers. haha.
@ judiene
i take you as one of the cool rich kids.
@ yusuf
you damn right! hahaha
@ naddy
kaler biru should be billy. you're a billy!
@ ArtOOne
i was lucky because i have an amazing mom.
January 7, 2011 at 9:22 PM
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hahaha.. nice ending..
kanak2 ribenA!
January 7, 2011 at 11:11 PM
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ahaaaa~ i billy rupanya~damn! i nk jason......:( patut dulu gerek tu kna cat merah, haizzz
January 8, 2011 at 1:04 AM
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January 8, 2011 at 7:27 AM
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basikal ni satu hal.
power rangers thingy ni pun satu hal
aku masih ingat perkataan morphin di-silent kan pastu aku tanya mak aku, mak aku selamba jawab, bunyi mcm bunyi dadah agaknya,hehehehe
ko perasan kan?:)
January 8, 2011 at 10:13 PM
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hahaha cute je cite ko..
aku lagi la..dapat basikal baru time darjah 3 pastu aku guna basikal tu sampai la form 5.time 2ndry skul tu basikal ak paling burok kot..tp mcm mana enth ak gigih jugak naik basikl tu...sigh~
January 9, 2011 at 4:27 PM
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salam, hi there!
your sis' bike was cooler than yours. :p I guess if someone did tell tell you that before, you wouldn't have been so jerk to Trini.
your mom do really know how to train her kids. cayalahhh!
ever owned a pair of Rollerblade or skate-board? blog it! ;)
February 16, 2011 at 2:25 AM
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ko boleh ingat g name watak power rangers 2...
aku dpt basikal tyme darjah 3...
hasil penyerahan mutlak akak aku kepada aku basikal 2...
guna sampai darjah 6 aje....
masih skola menengah....
aku duduk asama....
so basikal 2 dh x de sape pakai...
n aku bagi nama basikal aku "TURBO" sempena name power rangers turbo...
December 22, 2012 at 11:17 AM
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